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Club Captain Charity

Talk Surrey CIO

My nominated charity is Talk Surrey CIO.

Talk Surrey is a charity that offers long-term communication and social support for people with aphasia and their families in Surrey.

Aphasia is a language and communication disorder caused by damage to the left side of the brain, often as a result of a stroke.

Talk Surrey hold support sessions in 4 Surrey locations: Guildford, Walton, Woking and Ashford (at the Salvation Army premises on Woodthorpe Road).

These sessions provide a friendly and supportive environment
where people with aphasia can practice their communication skills and build their social confidence.

The Talk Surrey website can be found at:

Thank you for your support

Paul Dunne

Ladies' Captain Charity

My Charity is Surplus to Supper. 

Surplus to Supper is a surplus food redistribution charity.

Their mission is to bridge the gap between food waste and food poverty locally.

Founded in 2017, they operate from their hub, based at Sunbury Cricket Club in Lower Sunbury, supporting projects in Spelthorne and surrounding areas. 

They do this by collecting surplus food from local retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and caterers. Then they redistribute this food to food banks, charities, schools and community organisations who ensure that the food reaches those most in need. 

They also run a Surplus Market at Sunbury Cricket Club at the weekends as well as a Surplus Kitchen which prepares meals for their supported projects.

The Surplus Kitchen's objective is for each meal sold provides one free meal for charity (Buy One Feed One Free).

Further details on their website

Any support is greatly appreciated

Pam Clarke 

Course Status
Currently open
27.07.2024 06:34
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Saturday 27th July, Course Open, Men's & Ladies Mixed Gender Stableford (White & Red tees) 2 & 3 balls only unless playing a match. Junior match 1st tee reserved 14.00-14.45.

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