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The Early Years

In 1898 a few Ashford residents along with others in Staines and Sunbury got together to play golf on Staines Moor. Clubhouse facilities were rather primitive in those distant days. A shed served as the headquarters and Members took their own sandwiches, but it was a start and like many institutions of any size or consequence, our Club had humble beginnings. Over the years 1898 - 1902 there is some obscurity as records are missing but what seems certain is that sometime between 1898 and 1902 the transfer of operations between Staines Moor to Ashford Manor took place.

In 1902 the "New Manor Golf Club Ashford Company" was formed by the leading players who bought the estate from property developers, thus safeguarding the land for golf.

In 1905 one of the greatest players in British golfing history joined. The man who entered our clubhouse, and is now frozen in bronze in the clubs lobby, was Harold Horsfall Hilton. During the next decade and beyond he would bring unprecedented renown to Ashford Manor Golf Club.

Hilton was a champion, with a curriculum vitae unique in golf. He won two Open Championships, four Amateur Championships and the United States Amateur Championship. He was only the second amateur to win the Open and the last until Bobby Jones three decades later. Hilton was more than a champion. He became a star; a fashionable celebrity. He was to borrow the title of "Spy’s” Vanity fair caricatures in which he featured as one of the men of the day. He remained a member, having been Captain and Secretary, for many years. This then was the man who walked into our life in 1905. He would play a leading part in it on and off the course for more than a quarter of a century - yet in a recent biography his Ashford connections rates one-and-a-half lines.

By 1907-08 the Club was well established and reasonably prosperous. Improvements to the course and Clubhouse were undertaken and in 1907 a new Smoking Room and Billiard room (now the Spike Bar) was built.

In Modern Times

In modern times, life member Graham Homewood, still one of Ashford's top players today, almost emulated Hilton as British Amateur Champion, losing in the final.

Ashford Manor was a founder member of the Middlesex County Golf Union when it was formed in 1924 and first won the Middlesex Champion Club title in 1927. Since then Ashford Manor has been prominent in County golf, emphasised in 2000 when its' players won both the individual and team championships. In the current millennium, we have hosted the Middlesex Boys U14/U13 Championship, the Middlesex Youth/Boys U18/U16 Championship and the Middlesex Seniors Championship. In 2013 Ashford Manor was selected to host the inaugural Middlesex Mid Amateur Championship and also the England Golf South Eastern Group Seniors Championship.

Linking the wonderful achievements of Harold Hilton to the modern era is Matt Fitzpatrick who was made an honorary member of AMGC for his achievement of winning the U.S. Amateur Championship in 2013. Matt Fitzpatrick became the first Englishman for 102 years to win the U.S. Amateur championship since Harold Hilton won the championship in 1911.
Course Status
Currently open
27.07.2024 06:34
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Saturday 27th July, Course Open, Men's & Ladies Mixed Gender Stableford (White & Red tees) 2 & 3 balls only unless playing a match. Junior match 1st tee reserved 14.00-14.45.

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