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Committee Structures

Club Chairman - Charles Rankin

Club Captain - Paul Dunne
Ladies' Captain - Pam Clarke
Club Vice Captain - Ben Sherman
Ladies' Vice Captain - Ann Cox

President - Roy Newrick

Club Working Groups

General Committee - Chairman: Charlie Rankin, Paul Dunne, Pam Clarke, Les Ford, Mick Findlay, Colin Rendell, Sally Hoey, Martin O'Connell, Robert Bates, Ben Sherman, Ann Cox, Mike O'Connell

Captains Committee - Chairman: Paul Dunne, Kevin Butt, Jo Butt, Ben Sherman, Andy Giles, James Dempsey
Strategy Group - Chairman: Charlie Rankin, Mike O'Connell

Finance - Chairman: Les Ford, Charlie Rankin, Mick Findlay, Mike O'Connell 

Golf & Green Chairman: Martin O'Connell, Ann Cox, Robert Bates, Tony Healy                 

Membership - Chairperson: Sally Hoey, Pam Clarke, Ben Sherman

House - Chairman: Colin Rendell, Sally Hoey

Course Status
Currently open
27.07.2024 06:34
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Saturday 27th July, Course Open, Men's & Ladies Mixed Gender Stableford (White & Red tees) 2 & 3 balls only unless playing a match. Junior match 1st tee reserved 14.00-14.45.

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  • Clubhouse Opening Hours
  • Clubhouse Golf Shoe Policy
  • Thank A Green Keeper Day